Okay, so it turns out that my husband is not to blame. I had a very appealing New Years Eve invitation and I turned it down. I blame my thesis defense-related anxiety. My husband and I fell asleep on the couch watching football and drinking, what we like to call, "Cran-pagne." You can guess the ingredients. It was delicious.
The good news is we got plenty of rest so that we were all powered up for the day we had yesterday--sitting on the couch and watching home improvement/buying shows on HGTV. Also, I practiced my defense, Kevin went to the grocery store, and I went to Burlington Coat Factory and purchased two suits and some dress shirts for $150. Hooray!
The suits are fully lined and the price tag promises me that they should have retailed for 3x what I paid. PLUS, I got one of the $40 suits for and additional %30 off because the matching pants were missing and the pants associated with the suit were two sizes bigger than the jacket. The good news is, my ass is two sizes larger than my shoulders so, with a little tailoring of the waist, this may be the best possible fitting suit. OH! I also purchased accessories. A lovely "statement necklace" with giant plastic beads, matching bracelets, and a pair of earrings from a recognizable brand name. What was hillarious about the accessories section at Burlington Coat Factory is two-fold:
(1) There was a little girl there begging, and I mean BEGGING her mom for, approximately five separate consecutive items. The phrase, "Please, I'll do ANYTHING!" was actually uttered. Each item was discarded, and a new one chosen, as her mother said, "It doesn't fit on your head, Are you sure that's how you want to spend your money?, What about these headbands?, etc." until, finally, the mother said, "Do you want to go look at Macy's?" and the little girl said, "I want to go home."
(2) There was actually an entire jewelry line with a brand name written in very familiar script but designed by someone named, Christopher Klein.
Now, the final point I'd like to mention, before closing out my blog, is that I essentially watched someone's car get broken into in the parking lot and did, essentially, nothing. I didn't really know what to do. There was a super shifty-eyed man who was sort of sidling up to a car adjacent to mine. And, by sidling, I mean that he was sort of side stepping and looking around and pretending to check his cell phone. It was absurd, really. So, I'm giving him my best evil eye and he doesn't care. He just looks right back at me, clearly thinking the obvious truth, "What are you going to do about it?" I sort of stood there and watched him for a while but he didn't care. He again sort of sidled toward the door, looked all around while picking the lock, and sat down in the drivers seat and began pilfering. So, I drove around, looking for mall security, but I didn't find any, so I drove home. I feel terrible about this. I've had my car broken into several times and I sort of thought that "broad daylight" and "people all around" were inversely correlated to my problems. Clearly these things are irrelevant provided that the "people all around" are completely ineffective. I'm going to spend some time thinking about what I should have done. Maybe I'll put up a poll.
Swipe Wipe
1 year ago