The only thing more fantastic than the neti pot itself is this awesome photo of it I found on wikipedia. Hillarious man using neti pot. I'd just like to say that I have had a sinus headache for approximately 3 weeks due to some nasty form of rhinitis (many possible causes). Last night, I poured saltwater into my nose, then blew it all over my kitchen, and then, magically [twinkling sound], the headache, she was finished. All hail king neti pot. I utilized it again this morning because I was told to use it daily and let me just say that this is a testimony to (1) how terrible a 3 week sinus headache is and (2) how completely healed I was, because pouring saltwater into my nose is up there in the top 10 things I dislike. It's very much like unexpectedly getting hit in the face with a giant wave at the beach.
While I'm blogging, I'd like to say one more thing: I absolutely, positively, hate HATE the 80 bajillion circumstances in the life of a PhD student/PostDoc in which one receives completely crappy instructions on an issue (e.g., "What do I do with my ethidium bromide waste?" Answer: "Email so-and-so to come pick it up.") followed by the select so-and-so bawling you out for doing it wrong (e.g., "Ethidium bromide is a chemical hazard, not a biohazard, you have placed it in the wrong bag! In addition, you must provide me with a contact number and, furthermore, you're an idiot!") This sort of scenario seems to happen over and over again. If it's not chemical waste, it's chemical inventory. If it's not chemical inventory, it's p-card statements. If it's not p-card statements, it's my stupid parking permit or some other ridiculous red tape bs item...argh! I guess this is the pay-back for being able to show up whenever I want and not having to wear pantyhose.