Monday, April 12, 2010


Kevin put up a hammock in our back yard a couple of weekends ago. It's much more comfortable than I remembered hammocks being. We took some very charming photos of Milo and me out there:

It seems perfect, and it was. However, just an hour ago, I took Milo out there to try and re-live the moment. Problem #1: Kevin wouldn't go out because he wanted to continue watching the Braves. Problem #2: The sun was shining directly in the baby's eyes such that I had to walk around to the compost-pile side of the hammock. Problem #3: I came back in covered in something invisible that itches like a mother. Some sort of buggy. I can't see it but every now and then I pick at an itchy spot and have something between my fingers. It's too small to examine. I don't know what it is. I have 100 itchy spots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks so pleasantly relaxing. But maybe not so much the second time around.

The itchy no-seeums could be chigger mites, they're tiny and usually red and can be really hard to see. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do about them or your itchiness.

Miss you!