Commercials are actually a big part of the superbowl so I think this post is timely. The above commercial is apparently from 2008. I find it funny but I don't remember having seen it. Current commercials I like include the Scott toilet paper commercial with the whispering, particularly the part where the person gets a surprise party and everyone whispers, "Surprise" and blow party blowers without any "honk." Also, I like the verizon one where the guys are sitting around watching sports on TV and the guy's map is blocking the screen. Commercials I hate include any Geico caveman commercial and any of that stupid free credit report dot com band (particularly the newer ones but, really, all of them. I hate how he bites his lip and jams with his head).
What I really don't like about commercials is how many of them there are. I'm beginning to really resent the reality that TV is really just a vehicle for delivering commercials. This comes from days at home with the TV on. It's obscene how many commercials I see in a 24 hour period. I like to watch the Today show and also Ellen Degeneres but there's not much show there. It's just one commercial after another, particularly when you consider product discussions on the shows and give aways and Haiti donations from big corporations. I think, for a while, I may try to watch PBS exclusively. Or, maybe DVDs.
Yes indeed, in some moments I can reveal that I jibe consent to with you, but you may be making allowance for other options. to the article there is still a definitely as you did in the go over like a lead balloon a fall in love with delivery of this demand professional 15 ? I noticed the utter you suffer with not used. Or you profit by the dark methods of inspiriting of the resource. I possess a week and do necheg
Yes indeed, in some moments I can reveal that I jibe consent to with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
to the article there is still a definitely as you did in the go over like a lead balloon a fall in love with delivery of this demand professional 15 ?
I noticed the utter you suffer with not used. Or you profit by the dark methods of inspiriting of the resource. I possess a week and do necheg
I don't know about you, but I totally agree with anonymous here. That line about "I possess a week and do necheg" is pure poetry.
I'm pretty sure necheg is not a word.
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