So, my Dad lives near a wildlife refuge that is along the fly-way for sandhill cranes.

So, we all went out, the day after Thanksgiving, to see if we could see some sandhill cranes, and the off-chance of maybe seeing a whooping crane. We called Kevin's parents to come too because they've just started birding. They brought Kevin's nephew, Zachary, which was fun.

Here's a picture of when we were totally excited to see a single whooping crane, which is the white dot among all the gray dots in this photo, way off in the have to click on the photo to see it.

Well, so, all these fancy birdwatchers started showing up with fancy scopes and things and, ultimately was saw 8 whooping cranes! Eight in one place. None of birders or anyone had ever seen so many in one place! It was thrilling. Here's a picture of one of the bird watchers with his fancy camera and Zachary, having been given permission to look through the fancy scope:

When Kevin realized how much gear is involved, he thought he might like birding. Also, we do now have Whooping Cranes on our list, and that's a big one.
that is hilarious...the part about the i survive the next 10 days i'm looking forward to hanging out again.
Very exciting. I think birding seems fun. Also, your hair is much longer than the last time I saw you.
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