Thursday, September 11, 2008

4am and all's we-ell

I'm sitting in my living room thinking about how it's a reasonable time for Emily to be awake and that she's probably at work being productive. I, on the other hand, am angry about my terrible lack of restraint regarding the espresso machine that my boss recently installed in my office. I've decided, therefore, that I might be more productive at work tomorrow if I blog now. I'm going to blog about the things that are running 'round and 'round in my mind:

(1) I never did like that Terri character on Project Runway and she was especially appalling this episode and I'm glad she's gone, even though her designs were often good, that drag queen outfit for example. On the other hand, I enjoyed silly little Blayne and I feel sad about his feeling slapped in the face. On yet another hand, Blayne's avant garde project was terrible. Terrible.

(2) Keith talks like a victim and annoys me so I don't feel sorry for him. I just dislike Terri over all. If I had gotten teamed up with Keith, I might not have wanted to work with him either. So whiney and demanding. Also, I find him sexist.

(3)...if you want me to, I could hang 'round with you if I only knew, that's what you're into...

(4) The points I intend to cover in my discussion section are as follows......hold on, if I rearrange the section about clone libraries, I can add a section about community analysis...wait, the discussion is already too long...maybe I'll take out the clone libraries all together...etc.

(5) I think maybe I should work outside of the office so that the new students will be forced to make appointments with me, rather than popping into my office at random moments and asking questions. On the other hand, it's nice to have the things I need on hand when I need them. On the other hand, being away from that blasted coffee machine couldn't hurt. Also I wouldn't be distracted by/constantly distracting my office mates. But, tomorrow, I have lab work to do so I have to go in tomorrow...then, Friday, I was going to go to the vortex for lunch. Maybe I could meet everyone there. Wait, did I say next Friday? I think I'm going out of town...

So, i think that this is standard insomnia crap. Song stuck in head, work concerns, over-thinking the last TV show I watched. Often, when I can't sleep, I also think about current events so it's nice to not have any of those lodged in the rotation. Although, now that I've reminded myself, I may rotate in some Sarah Palin material.

I'm going to go back and see if I can grab a couple hours before the alarm goes off...

1 comment:

biophd said...

I can tell you exactly what I was doing - I was counting cells from the cultures I started yesterday, then I had a frustrating conversation with the secretary, then I washed some dishes. And then I looked at pictures from fashion week in NY.

I keep a mental EST clock going all the time. I'm always like "are they up yet? No, it's only 5 am."