Tuesday, September 9, 2008

For the sake of continuity...

I don't know if anyone would miss my blog if it were gone but, just in case, I'm trying to keep it going even though, today, I have very little to say. I am hating politics now because it's gone to the bad place, as we all knew it would. Things are vague again and difficult to understand and people are saying things that I can't figure out. I liked the days of the convention when people were being nice to each other and saying really exciting and hopeful things about the future of our country. Now people are cynical again. Also, I watched the RNC to sort of make sure I knew what was going on on that side and now I'm angry at my liberal friends who made no effort to find out what John McCain said. Especially when they're sort of going on and on about how whatever he is. Oh, right, what the democrats said, how just like GWB he is. Also, the internet gossip issues are pissing me off. I want to take people at their word and then just, everybody decide, based on the issues. But, I guess if I'd done that in the last couple of elections, I would have wanted to support the troops and be a good American without noticing that there was a puppet show going on to distract me from the fact that the government was being systematically handed over to extremely wealthy business owners. Damned oligarchy.

This is reminding me of the time my lesbian friend was going to protest Dr. Laura's show coming to the Baltimore radio station nearby. I asked her why she didn't like Dr. Laura and she said that it was because "She thinks I'm going to hell!" I pointed out to my friend that Dr. Laura is jewish and doesn't believe in hell, per se. I also pointed out that, if someone asked later, she should say that Dr. Laura doesn't think she, a lesbian, is a fit parent. The friend said that she didn't care about that because she didn't want children. Then she continued to the protest. I think I'm probably just as guilty of having half-information about issues as the next person but I wish we could all discuss things together. I wish we could stop knee-jerk hating one another. I also wish that I could understand other people better. I wish I didn't feel so angry when people oppose me. My husband says I'm not allowed to keep up with politics anymore because it makes me angry and shouty and interrupt-y. So, there you go. I'm both sides of this coin. I think I shouted at him and interrupted when he was explaining that he didn't see McCain's speech but that...I don't know what he was going to say next...


biophd said...

I would be sad if you stopped the blog.

It's so hard to be informed. I looked at the list of the actual senate votes that Katy sent, and was overwhelmed by what it would take to get my news from the source (as opposed to filtered through political pundits).

anaeromyxo said...

I just looked at the list of websites Katy referenced and felt overwhelmed. I'm exhausted just remembering it.