Monday, October 13, 2008

Conservative feminism again.

I keep thinking about Sarah Palin and conservative feminism. Also, about these "soccer moms" who love Sarah Palin and the fact that the other people keep talking about how dumb she is. My husband calls her "George Bush in a skirt" and I think that may be an apt comparison because he is also considered dumb by the popular culture. Yet, both people have made giant strides in terms of their personal success in this country. So, what does all of this imply?

Oh, I have one more thing in my little grab bag of topics that I haven't totally synthesized yet: Women's history and the lack of women in regular history (including the completely lost stories of women, not just "women's history" that includes Annie Oakley, Florence Nightengale, Susan B. Anthony, Betsy Ross, and Amelia Earhart).

Now, I started discussing beauty-queen-intellegence with my lab mate a minute ago and she referenced an Alabama beauty queen she knows who used her pageant proceeds to fund her engineering education. I think this is related to embracing the feminine while not dictating the behavior of women, one way or the other. Also, I am pro-choice because I believe that there are a lot of hard decisions and difficult connundrums that need to be considered in abortion legislation and that pregnancy is full of pitfalls and scary near-misses and border-line situations. That said, I love that part of Sarah Palin's speech that they keep putting on TV where she tells someone to let that baby keep crying. She loves that sound. I totally support the idea that babies and families and lifestyles that are conducive to babies and families are being neglected in this country at this time. I heard this guy on the radio talking about fundamentalist Christians and their values and I felt super pissed off that he thought that he and I are so different that I can't understand him. On the other hand, Bill Maher was on the Daily Show this, or last, week:

This man makes me want to become a conservative and support Sarah Palin... Maybe in a few days I'll decide what I want to say about all of these issues.


biophd said...

Honky, please! Bill Maher is insufferable.

anaeromyxo said...

At lunch yesterday, the advisor told me that he saw Religulous and loved it, boy was it ever funny, etc. I think that this is some sort of discrimination.