Monday, April 6, 2009

My first youtube movie

This is the sort of thing I spend my time looking at these days:

It's Asplanchna. They're rotifers. We try to infect them with oomycetes. Fascinating, right? I find them cute but it's hard to see in this movie. There's another one that someone else made...

They actually pretty much suck at catching food so I'm surprised (1) that they survive at all and (2) that this person was able to catch one eating. The food pretty much has to swim into their mouths, or whatever you call their corona hole thing. Here are some Asplanchna fun facts:

Female Asplanchna have no designated hole for receiving the sexual reproductive matter from male Asplanchna, which are small and triangular and don't do anything but fertilize the female Asplanchna. The male pretty much just picks a place on the soft body of the female.

If you try to open up an Asplanchna with a pair of dissecting pins, it's pretty much like trying to dissect a jell-o mold to access the fruit...

Asplanchna do not preserve as well as other zooplankton, probably because they don't have a carapace, so it's good to count them the same day you catch them.

When an Asplanchna runs into a Dapnia or Copepod, it pretty much just sits there and gets its ass kicked with the antennules, resembling a fat kid on a playground. I'm going to try to make a movie of this phenomenon because I find it hillarious.


Melissa said...

Ah, this brings back memories of working in the Snell lab with all my little Brachionus rotifers.

I also like the phrase "corona hole." I wonder if that's how they insult each other: "Shut your corona hole, jerk!" Ha! These are the things I think about on a daily basis.

biophd said...

Those guys are so cute! Rotifers always seem extra-stupid to me. I imagine copepods as being the cool kid in the zooplankton. I'm not sure about the daphnia. Maybe they're the nerds.

anaeromyxo said...

I'm going to make a zooplankton personality test. I'll let you know when I've completed it. If I were to put the zooplankton into Hogwarts schools, I would put copepods in Slytherin, Daphnia in Gryffendor, and Asplanchna in Hufflepuff. I haven't come up with anyone for Ravenclaw. Maybe I have to resort to phyotplankton. I love Volvox and its advanced Geometry would make it a good Ravenclaw.