Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The seven 'g's of grounding

Writing is a very head-intensive process. Meaning that a person stays in her own mind all day every day, to the point that insanity can ensue. Friends of mine in the writing process have had such body and soul-neglective side effects as: constant shivering no matter how warm the room, extreme weight loss, frequent crying, and residual unprecedented lack of lust for life. Remembering what I do about my dear mother's lessons in the mind/body/soul balance, these symptoms are indicative of severe mind-centric imbalance. So, in such fond memory of my incredible mother (whom I miss so much every day) and her new age ways, my aunt (Mom's sister) and I came up with my seven 'g's of grounding: (1) This one you can guess. Go ahead, there are two 'g's...yes, Gilmore Girls. This, the first of the 'g's has to do with turning off the active mind and shifting science to the subconscious via marathons of my favorite pair of saucy ladies and their fight-the-man antics. See, I knew it counted as work. There is so much mental and creative processing that occurs in the subconscious mind. I swear to you that this is true. It was in the New York Times. (2) The next 'g' is a bit of a stretch but it refers to my blog. I call it "gushing." It also includes long emails to friends, phone calls, angry explosions in the car with my sweet and understanding husband, and the venting-sessions in hallways and offices of all of my coworkers. (3) Gardening is an obvious tool for grounding. Sometimes, as I recall, these things are quite literal. So, the square-foot gardening, and eating the cucumbers and tomatoes harvested from my own yard, have been counted as the third 'g.' (4) The gym. You may be noticing a theme, in that I've blogged about all of these 'g's before but I've only recently "grouped" them. Hehe. That's another 'g'. (5) Grooming. Aunt Becky thought of this 'g' for describing the pedicure I got yesterday afternoon as well as the pricey haircuts that I maintain as one of my last pieces of luxury freight to throw overboard when it comes time to pinch pennies. (6) Guacamole. Let me hear you say "Oh, yeah!" Margaritas also count in this category because I consume the two items together. And the seventh 'g' of grounding is (7) Games. This includes facebook wordtwist and scrabulous as well as a crazy set of kids games I found on my new computer called "Purble Place." Don't judge me until you've tried these delightful and brightly colored games. They're harder than they look. Now, I have to say that I feel very proud of Aunt Becky and me for coming up with these things. I really think that Mom would endorse our work. Also, Mom, if you're reading this from wherever you are, notice that we used "seven" things. "Seven" is an important and non-patriarchal number, unlike the evil "ten" utilized by what's-his-name on late night TV (please, as if I'm up at that time of night).

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I tried two of those "g's" yesterday. I went to the gym and while I was on the elliptical machine, I turned the little TV to Gilmore Girls. I guess that's technically three "g's."