Monday, July 14, 2008

Welcome family, please ignore the curse words.

I have just reminded my beloved family about my blog. I reviewed my posts to ensure that I wouldn't be embarassed by myself and I think it's fine, aside from curse-words and that post down there about bras (it's an informative post for the ladies, but, if you're a dude, you can skip it). So, what I'm going to do now is put a giant smiling picture of me and remind my family how much they love me. There, it's me and Wyatt. We love you...Wyatt loves everyone who is willing to hug him.

1 comment:

Lee Katz said...

Rule number 1 about blogging: always remember that anyone could be reading it. Anyone you know, anyone you don't know. Anyone from your past.
But not McCain because he doesn't use the Internets.