Thursday, August 7, 2008


The only thing funnier than my being frustrated because I'm 96% female is my husband's score. I told him that he could trust me, because he was reluctant to tell me, so I'm not posting it. Nor will I post the macy's website visit that did him in . Teeheehee. I feel so much better. He pointed out to me that,, and the cage fighting website didn't make it into the calculation but that those websites would clearly signify his manhood. TEEheeheehee. He had the grudgereport and cnn on there, which gives him strong man points so you can only imagine how he was impacted by his own search for a gym bag . Clearly he should have left it up to me...also he looked at his new shoes online because he's in love with them. TEEheeheehee. Looking at shoes, even man shoes, makes you a woman. Any sort of shopping at all, apparently. Oh, geez, this makes me happy. Sorry, pumpkin, if you're reading this (and I suspect you aren't), you should just take pleasure in the fact that I'm happy. You want me to be happy, right? [gales of laughter ensue.]


biophd said...

Your poor husband. It's sad that I'm more manly than him (I suspect, since I don't know his actual score).

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

I'm rolling with laughter--at the situation not your manly husband