Monday, August 18, 2008


I made this huge campaign a few months ago to tell my friends and family that I am very busy and exhausted and that they shouldn't necessarily expect me to attend events, when I clearly have so much going on, etc. I think it sank in because I just had the most boring weekend of my life since, you know, early high school, before I could drive. It was actually quite reminiscent of one of those weekends. Turning off the TV, draping oneself over the arm of the sofa, and proclaiming, "I'm bored!" as if there were people surrounding you whose job involves entertainment. I didn't get that far because my husband is in the midst of a fitness craze so I was constantly being dragged off of the sofa for runs and tiny meals. Stupid tiny meals. Being hungry makes boredom so much more dramatic (and vice versa). On Sunday, I finished a book and started a new one, practiced my oboe, finished all the laundry, cleaned the oven (oops, I think we left the oven shelves out on the back porch), went for a jog, re-read one of my manuscripts, went to the grocery store, prepared a few tiny meals, watched "Lars and the Real Girl" and "Smart People" and several episodes of the Gilmore Girls, and still had time on my hands to the point that I laid down for a nap and found I wasn't tired enough for a nap, having gotten plent of sleep the night before. So, I got up and tried to find something to do on the computer which, while occupying lots of my time at work, seemed totally un-interesting in the context of my living room. So, you may be wondering why I'm not working like a crazy person on my dissertation, yes, that sounds like something one may wonder. The reason is that I am currently not the rate-limiting step in this process. It's really quite a nice life, compared to my friends who have the enthusiastic and involved advisors. I'm just sort of taking it easy, waiting for my number to come up. Not so bad, actually.

1 comment:

biophd said...

I hate Sundays so much here. Imagine if you had nothing to do and the entire city was closed. I should try to make Friday and Saturday my weekend.